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Let’s talk Aluminium - It's not heavy, but we don't need it.

“A general rule in the mineral world is that if it’s not required by the body, it is best to avoid exposure”.

Like nutritional elements such as Iron, Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium, non-nutritional metals make their way into the body. Unrequired elements including Arsenic, Beryllium, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead and Aluminium are often ingested, applied topically, injected or absorbed via environmental exposure.

While travelling through the bloodstream, minerals get stored in body’s tissues. This storage isn’t permanent, but even a transient presence of non-nutritional metals can cause subtle biological changes. Minerals and toxic metals are competitive, which means the presence of one will obscure the presence of another. In the process, vitamin levels are displaced and there becomes an increased need for certain nutrients.

Aluminium is one of the most discussed and researched elements with mixed conclusions often reported by the media. Let’s set aside the often argued long term affects for now and consider short term consequences. Whether Aluminium contributes to long term illness or not, it doesn’t matter. Not because the research isn’t important. It certainly is. But because a general rule in the mineral world is that if it’s not required by the body, it is best to avoid exposure.

Possible sources of Aluminium:

  • Anti-perspirant deodorants

  • Some vaccines

  • Cookware

  • Canned food and drink.

Any levels of Aluminium can interfer with the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can contribute to deficiencies which lead to more chronic health complaints. Toxicity is associated with dry skin, constipation, headaches and unwanted neurological symptoms.

If you suspect your exposure has been excessive, levels can be tested to inform the need for removal. You may find that exposure has not led to significant storage due to the inclusion of a long-term nutrient dense diet.

How to get tested:

Tissue testing involves a hair sample, ideally from the back of the neck, as close to the scalp as possible. It then gets sent to a lab where it is tested for a range of toxic and non-toxic metals. Ratios of these elements are also compared which enables your metabolic profile to be reported. A full report includes dietary recommendations and a possible solution for acute health complaints. The results of this test can significantly improve health when recommendations are adhered to and longer term health risks are lessened.

To summarise:

  1. A biological requirement for Aluminium is absent.

  2. Exposure can interfere with optimal health.

  3. You can have stored levels tested.

  4. It can be removed from the body.

Contact if you have further questions regarding testing and for pricing.

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